Since we started fundraising for Manchester Royal Children's Hospital, the Aimee Drew Trust has helped more than 1640 children receive treatment.  But there's always more to do.

Gorgeous Aimee Drew whose legacy is the Aimee Drew Trust

Of course, the more of us involved, the easier the job becomes.  There are lots of ways you can join in if you want to help the Aimee Drew Trust Fund: by making a donation, joining one of our FUNdraising events or undertaking your own fundraising idea, you help to continue to provide this specialist care and treatment for sick children.

If you'd like to help in another way, why not consider leaving a gift in your will that can help with medical science research?

If you want to help and have suggestions of your own please do get in touch!

My heartfelt thanks go to everyone who has helped, sponsored, supported and put up with those involved in the sponsored events. Aimee has brought many people together from many different walks of life and has driven some people to achieve goals they never thought possible. As a result of her tragic death, close friendships have evolved with a common aim of helping other children who are ill with immunology problems. Long may this continue. THANK YOU.

Ian Drew, Aimee's Daddy
Aimee Drew Trust article in Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Charity - Thank You Issue 22 2011
Aimee Drew Trust article in Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Charity - Thank You Issue 22 2011
Aimee Drew Trust article in Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Charity - Thank You Issue 31 2015
Aimee Drew Trust article in Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Charity - Thank You Issue 31 2015