In 1997, when Aimee died, there were only 50 known immune deficiency conditions.

Aimee Drew bouncing on her bed
Who doesn't love bouncing on a bed?

Thanks to the medical research carried out since the Aimee Drew Trust was established, there are now more than 300 identified immune difficiency conditions.  Once an immune condition has been identified, then work is undertaken so a cure can be found.  So that's a fantastic outcome so far!

The Immunology and Allergy department at The Royal Manchester Children's Hospital has grown significantly with 5 consultants, 5 nurses and a number of paediatric trainees.  The clinical team has strong links with other research units worldwide, particularly in Paris, New York and Sydney and they regularly share information to help beat these conditions.

On a day to day basis, they work closely with colleagues in Newcastle and now run regular outreach children's immunology clinics in Liverpool and Preston.

We want to share some stats so you can see the real difference that this clinic and the Aimee Drew Trust is helping to make.

Since the Aimee Drew Trust was established (as of 2017):

  • 1640 new patients have been seen in the Immunology Unit;
  • 867 (53%) have been discharged and reassured that they do not have a signficant immune problem;
  • 82 (5%) have been transferred to other paediatric specialities;
  • 75 (5%) have been transferred to adult services;
  • 119 (7%) have been transferred to BMT units for bone marrow transplants;
  • 63 (4%) patients have unfortunately died of disease, demonstrating the severe nature of some of the diseases they deal with and the work still to be done.

In the past 12 months the Manchester Paediatric Immunology Unit undertook the following activity:

  • 80 immunology clinics took place;
  • They followed up 516 patients in the immunology clinic;
  • 290 had identified primary immuno-deficiencies;
  • 48 patients were on replacement antibody treatment;
  • 10 patients with primary immuno-deficiencies were transplanted.

As pressure grows to cope with increased demands, so more equipment and increased manpower is needed in the clinic.  We are very proud that the Aimee Drew Trust continues to support this important medical research work and helps protect future generations of our children from life threatening diseases.